Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Agents, Traditional Publishers, Vanity Press, Self Publishing

It is so hard to know where to find someone who is willing to work with a writer that you know, for sure, they are being honest with you. I have self-published one book and ended up spending a lot of wasted money that I could have used myself. I was taken due to the words coming from the mouth of a truly dishonest person.

Now I have sent a book to a traditional publishing company but they they want $1000.00 from me for different things. I thought they didn't charge writers. Where have I been in the past years? I guess my head has been in the sand, not listening to anyone.

Agents are a dime a dozen but they don't want to answer any of your emails. You send them a query and they don't plan on answering. I thought most agents were honest. I guess I am too naive, even at the age of seventy three, because I believe in telling the truth about things. If it gets you in trouble so be it. If you are honest, you can't be called dishonest, now can you?

I have just about had it with all this mess of trying to get my book published without doing it by self-publishing. Been there, done that. If a writer is willing to bust butt to sell their books, the least a publishing company can do is let them go at it. I am willing to work hard to get my books into the public arena. I am proud of what I do and I will still write regardless of getting a book published.

This is a nightmare for me right now. Three publishers have my two books and I haven't even heard from two of them. Can anyone out there tell me to not give up because I tired of being lied to about what they promise on the internet and then you get an email telling you, "hey, we need to collect monies from you before we sign you up." So now, I sit and wait for another few months before doing anything. I hate to send my books to 10,20,30,40,or 50 people hoping someone is going to say to me, "Yes, we love your book and we will publish it and it won't cost you one red cent." Then an agent says, "I loved your query letter and I would love to read a part of your book. Please send me 50 pages for review."

Good night people on Dashboard. Hope to report something positive by next week.

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